Advertising on vehicles

Who knew that if you put advertising on your vehicle, your insurance company may not cover you – I didn’t!!!!

Maybe I’m stupid but it never occurred to me that I was driving around without insurance once I put my company name on my van. It was a chance conversation with someone who said – “Love your van, I hope you have commercial insurance”. Needless to say, I called my insurance company the next day and sure enough, they don’t insure vehicles that have advertising on them. I had to scramble to find a company who would. Not all insurance companies care if you have writing on your vehicle, but a lot do. I ended up getting insurance and it cost me an extra $500 per year, but at least I can sleep at nights AND still advertise on my van.

I questioned why wouldn’t the sign company have told me, but then if they had I might not have done it so readily, so they would have lost business. But how can THEY sleep at nights knowing that people may not be insured because of the writing that THEY put on the vehicle?

How many people are driving around without insurance and don’t even realize it!

My wonderful van


About Janac Mastectomy Wear For Fighters & Survivors

President of Janac Mastectomy Wear - est.2003 2x breast cancer survivor (1995 & 2009) decided to design a breast prosthesis that is comfortable and affordable. Also, designs sports tops that can accommodate any breast prosthesis.
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3 Responses to Advertising on vehicles

  1. Pamela Hughes says:

    Well you can write off that cost on your taxes now!

  2. Taryn says:

    that does differ from each province as in bc we only have one insurance company. I do know that if you own your own business and are transporting work goods you need to let your insurance company know or they will not cover you if they find work goods the the car, it does cost more but it is a bigger write off at tax time. But the morale of the story is do not get in a fender bender! And always as questions, or it will cost you!

  3. Janet!

    Thanks for the great lesson! This is how we learn, from those that have gone before us! You are so smart!

    Also did I tell you how HOT you look in the pink hat!! Gorgeous!

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